After working for some time in Doha, it's about time for me to take a break and head back home to have a vacay. It's always nice to imagine about the things that I will do, places that I will visit, foods that I will taste; and family and friends that I will meet again. With all those jocular images playing on my mind, I really can't wait for my vacation to actually happen. And I told myself cheerfully, "Hey, I got to plan this!"

It was like an empty canvass. And in my imagination, i painted it with the colors of every tourist spots that I need to go to, and native delicacies that I have to try, adventures that I'd be braving, and the faces that i'd be sharing smiles with.

I am so caught up in the excitement until the realization of the budget kicked in. And as if having roused from a beautiful sleep and taken back to reality, I found myself saying, "Hey, I really need to plan this!"

I know that there are others out there who await their vacation with both joy and dread. In case you are like me who doesn't want to end up like most expats with empty pockets after having that vacation, here are some guides that might help...

First, Plan A Budget. Make a list of things that you want to do and how much it cost. Know the maximum amount of money you can spend. Trim down the activities that you want to do. With the remaining things on your list, check if it's possible to bring the expenses down. Set aside a little extra for emergency purposes.

Second, Book Early. Call your travel agent and check out the lowest fares available. Booking 6 months in advance usually gives you the best fare and you need not worry about ticket price increases. Hotel rooms are also more likely to be available if you look around earlier than your scheduled stay, making you aware of your options of affordable lodging.

Third, Pick Off Season When Travelling. Airfare tickets and hotel accomodations are likely to be cheaper during off season simply because the demands are low. Having a vacation during holidays and summer is equal to higher travelling expenses.

Fourth, Travel Light. Check the baggage allowance of an airline. Many passengers ended up paying for their excess baggage.

Fifth, Stay With Family or a Friend. If you know somebody who lives near your destination, ask them if it's ok for you to stay with them for some time.

Sixth, Go Group Travelling. A lot of travel agencies offer special discounts or more affordable travel packages to people who are in groups.

Seventh, Try Staycation. You heard it right --- STAYCATION. It's the latest trend among travellers who don't want to spend a fortune. Instead of going to faraway places, you can explore your local area. Visit the attractions that your city has to offer but haven't been to before.

Eight, Limit Eating Out. Just because, you are extra cash doesn't mean that you have to eat out almost everyday. Doing so can take a big bite out of your vacation budget. Plan wisely when and where you want to eat out.

Ninth, Pray. Visit your church or mosques. It put things in the right perspective. Sometimes, we all need some peace and quite to realize that the little blessings that we have are the ones that can really make us happy and not the materialistic aspect of our lives. It is the smiles on your loved ones' faces and the memories that your journey has created that will make your VACATION so much more beautiful and a lot more meaningful. 

Enjoy your vacation.

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