Friday, May 30, 2014

A Single Parent's Guide to Budget Planning

There are a lot of single parents who face the everyday challenge of managing their finances. Having a single income makes it difficult to maintain a budget. Single parents often find themselves in some sort of a financial predicament and so planning and committing to a family budget may prove to be a BIG TASK.

But if you are struggling to make ends meet, it is best to analyze your financial situation. Sticking to a family budget means having discipline. Here are some suggestions on how a single parent can accomplish this.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


In our first feature blog for our LIFESTYLE section,  we're going to read about the life story of the richest man in the Philippines, Mr. Henry Sy.  He is the tycoon who owns all established SM Malls, Banco De Oro-EPCI Bank and a majority share in China Bank.

Let us all be inspired by his rags to riches story as his daughter Teresita Sy-Coson narrates the story of his father’s success:

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

JUICE FOR WEIGHT LOSS : Fig and Ginger Smoothie

Yield: 1 glass
1 cup spinach
1 cup figs (about 4 medium sized fruits)
½ tablespoon chopped ginger
2 whole pitted dates (pre-soaked)
½ cup distilled water
1 cup ice cubes
1. In a blender, add spinach and water. Blend until smooth.
2. Add all remaining ingredients and process until blended


Hi, Guys! Today, we'll talk about the latest craze to hit the fitness world called JUICING. A lot of people and self-proclaimed health buffs are raving about the benefits of doing the juice therapy. There are a number of celebrities, like actors and models, who attest to the effectiveness of this diet trend in helping them to either shape up or slim down. But before we join the bandwagon, let's take a closer look at this current toast of the town called JUICING.
I read that juicing first became popular in the early 90's when many believed that it helps in reversing the aging process and cure chronic diseases like cancer.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Okay, so you wake up one morning and head on to rinse your face. After washing, you pause for a while to admire how blessed you are to have such a gorgeous reflection. And then suddenly, without any warning, you get the shock of your life when you see wrinkles and fine lines and then you realize you’re not that blessed after all.

But wait! There’s no need to panic as all normal beings experience this. And as we grow older, these facial lines will really start to appear. Wrinkles and fine lines will be part of our lives. The best thing to do is to understand them and deal with them the best way we can.


The 52 WEEK MONEY CHALLENGE PLAN is becoming increasingly popular among people who are dead serious about saving and are really eager to take control of their finances. This plan is really designed for those who know they need to save but are dealing with tight budgets.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Greet the day with a thankful heart, a peaceful mind and a happy face. :-)


Washing your face is not as simple as using water and soap. To properly care for your skin, one very basic thing that you should know is proper face cleansing.

Face cleansing means to clear the skin by using anti oily chemicals or natural products that help in cleansing face. Cleansing the face may involve several steps. Face cleansing at home has been made possible by best cleansing products like astringents and face cleansers.

Here's a very simple step to follow in washing our face. CLICK TO CONTINUE.


After working for some time in Doha, it's about time for me to take a break and head back home to have a vacay. It's always nice to imagine about the things that I will do, places that I will visit, foods that I will taste; and family and friends that I will meet again. With all those jocular images playing on my mind, I really can't wait for my vacation to actually happen. And I told myself cheerfully, "Hey, I got to plan this!"

It was like an empty canvass. And in my imagination, i painted it with the colors of every tourist spots that I need to go to, and native delicacies that I have to try, adventures that I'd be braving, and the faces that i'd be sharing smiles with.

I am so caught up in the excitement until the realization of the budget kicked in. And as if having roused from a beautiful sleep and taken back to reality, I found myself saying, "Hey, I really need to plan this!"

I know that there are others out there who await their vacation with both joy and dread. In case you are like me who doesn't want to end up like most expats with empty pockets after having that vacation, here are some guides that might help...  CLICK TO CONTINUE


Everybody knows how important it is to save for the rainy days. How many times did we say that we'll start saving this month or this coming month and yet we failed to keep that promise? Sometimes, the urge to buy things that we don't need is so strong that we just give in and spend instantly all the money that we've worked so hard for a month or two. Worse, there are times we find ourselves in debt because of these of decisions.

Don't you think it is about time that we take better control of our finances? The less we spend unnecessarily, the more money we are able to save for our future needs.

Join me now as we begin our road to financial freedom. Now, if we really are serious about getting on this journey, the first thing we need to know is how to save more effectively. With that in mind, here are 9
tips that can help us: click to continue


Hello There! :-)

Looking at the title, you know that this is a blog that aims to aid anybody who is interested about over-all well-being. I'll be giving my best to provide you health and beauty tips, share with you some sound financial advice, update you on the hottest places to visit in my country, and  roll out some cooking recipes that i've come across with over the years.

I promise to bring you topics that will inspire you to take charge of your life positively.  I want to blog not just about beauty… but also about things that can help us have a healthier lifestyle and well rounded personalities. Things that will all make us all FRESH and RADIANT!!!

It's really great to find you here.  Let me welcome you and I appreciate you spending time here at the blog very much.  Considering how busy you must be, I thank you for getting out of your way just to check out my blog!  Maraming Salamat po.