Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hi, Guys! Today, we'll talk about the latest craze to hit the fitness world called JUICING. A lot of people and self-proclaimed health buffs are raving about the benefits of doing the juice therapy. There are a number of celebrities, like actors and models, who attest to the effectiveness of this diet trend in helping them to either shape up or slim down. But before we join the bandwagon, let's take a closer look at this current toast of the town called JUICING.
I read that juicing first became popular in the early 90's when many believed that it helps in reversing the aging process and cure chronic diseases like cancer.

There is no convincing scientific evidence though that drinking extracted juices have more benefits than eating whole foods. Juicing, as the name suggests, involves extracting juices from fresh fruits and vegetables as the main part of the diet. This process removes the pulp from the fruits and vegetables, which results in less fiber intake. That is the same reason why there are some people who are not convince of this diet since fiber intake is important to one's health. Although, there are some proponents who suggest eating the pulp which helps in keeping the fiber in one's diet. A diet high in fruits and vegetables has shown to reduce risk of having cancer. There are also claims that it improves skin complexion, metabolism and overall health condition. Aside from that, juicing is said to enhance the immune system and prevent or treat a wide variety of conditions.

On the other hand, overuse of juicing or consuming too much of certain juices can cause severe diarrhea, sometimes claimed to be "cleansing" by proponents who believe that toxins are removed from the body during this process. Also, the juices from fruits and strarchy vegetables such as carrots or beets can contain a lot of sugar, which may be harmful for diabetics and can contribute to weight gain. Overall, however, juicing is considered safe when it is used as part of a halthy diet. Commercially juiced products should be pasteurized to kill harmful germs, which can cause serious infections in some people whose immune system has been weakened by cancer. Relying on this type of treatment alone and avoiding or delaying convetnional medical care for cancer may have serious health consequences.

If you think JUICING is right for you, you can refer to the FOOD section of this blog to get some JUICING recipe. Remember, regardless whether this is just a fad or not, everything should be done in moderation.

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