Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Okay, so you wake up one morning and head on to rinse your face. After washing, you pause for a while to admire how blessed you are to have such a gorgeous reflection. And then suddenly, without any warning, you get the shock of your life when you see wrinkles and fine lines and then you realize you’re not that blessed after all.

But wait! There’s no need to panic as all normal beings experience this. And as we grow older, these facial lines will really start to appear. Wrinkles and fine lines will be part of our lives. The best thing to do is to understand them and deal with them the best way we can.

Wrinkles and fine lines are folds and creases that develop on different parts of our skins especially because of age or perhaps some damage caused by different environmental factors like sun exposure, air pollution and even stress. Over the years, our skin will gradually loose its flexibility, elasticity as well as its volume or thickness. The result of this development is the skin sagging causing those telltale wrinkles and fine lines that become so obvious to everyone who meets you.

So what causes wrinkles??? There are numerous factors that are responsible for the formation of wrinkles and fine lines. These factors contribute to the drop of collagen fibers that are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of skin. These factors include poor dietary habits, stress, exposure to the sun, lack of exercise as well as smoking.

"True beauty is more than just skin deep. Real beauty is about having substance. There’s beauty in all things… even in wrinkles. You just have to find it."
Looking for a Cure. There’s no need to be overly frustrated about having wrinkles because there are different treatment methods that are available nowadays. The treatment procedures begin from the very simple but effective ones using different anti-wrinkle creams and lotions to the very complex and invasive surgical procedures and the modern laser treatment methods. It is advisable to seek an advice from your dermatologist.

Acceptance. At the end of the day, you just have to accept the reality that we do grow old. And those wrinkles represent more than just lines on our skin, but the years filled with both happy and sad experiences that have made your life richer. True beauty is more than just skin deep. Real beauty is about having substance. There’s beauty in all things… even in wrinkles. You just have to find it.

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